About Patty

Patty's unique background as both a dance instructor and a bank teller manager has equipped her with a diverse skill set that makes her an exceptional painting teacher. Her experience as a dance instructor has honed her ability to break down complex techniques into manageable steps, ensuring that her students can follow along easily and build their skills progressively. She understands the importance of patience and encouragement, fostering a supportive learning environment where students feel comfortable expressing their creativity.

As a former bank teller manager, Patty developed strong organizational and leadership skills. She is adept at managing classes efficiently, ensuring that each session runs smoothly and that every student receives the attention they need. Her professional background also means she is highly reliable and detail-oriented, qualities that translate into well-prepared and structured classes.

Patty's combined experiences in these roles have made her a compassionate and effective instructor, capable of guiding students with varying skill levels through the joy of painting.

Special thanks to the people at Wise TinMan Solutions for all of their help creating this site.